These are simple and logical tips that you may already know but have not paid enough attention to. However, if …
Bad Habits That Stop You Losing Weight
Unfortunately, many people turn the goal of losing a few extra pounds into an obsession. If you do not stop …
Delicious Breakfast to Lose Weight in a Healthy Way
When you want to lose weight healthily, you probably think that just stopping eating is the best solution. If so, …
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10 Weight Loss Rules You Should Not Ignore
1. Reduce the number of carbohydrates in your daily diet Reduce the amount of readily and simple carbohydrates, or carbohydrates …
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Fast Diet: Does It Make Sense?
Summer is approaching, which means that many are beginning to think about how to lose weight. And better to do …
Exercise and Depression: Making the Connection
Exercise has many great health benefits and improves not only your physical condition but also your mental well-being. Therefore, not …
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Do Workouts Increase Your Appetite or Dulls It?
Nutritionists and dietitians have long believed that exercise(s) helped in whetting an individual’s appetite. However, if two recent small trials are to be believed, workouts actually suppressed one’s appetite or food cravings. Young men and women, some who exercised regularly and some that were under diet-control, participated in two miniature clinical trials. All of them exhausted the same amount of calories either by exercising routinely or by eating less. It was observed that individuals who worked out habitually consumed much less food at a buffet compared to those were dieting.
Impact of running on the mountainous nature trail on mental health
Impact of running on the mountainous nature trail on mental healthRecent research study reveals that running on the mountainous nature is indeed beneficial for improving the mental health of human being. Though it is a commonly known fact but now it has been thoroughly established with this latest scientific study. The main advantage that once can derive on running in the mountain trails is the considerable evaporation of the negative feelings of sadness and anxiety.
Overdoing exercise may backfire in ugliest ways, say experts
Extreme exercising to maintain fitness levels beyond medically flagged off limits comes with its share of perils. Pushing your body too much may lead to heart damage, fractures, sleeping and blood poisoning, reveal research findings. According to orthopedic surgeon Dr Ocihai, massive jumps within activity levels make you vulnerable to stress fractures. Plenty of over-exercising injuries unfortunately range from tendonitis to rotator cut offs.