Recent research study reveals that running on the mountainous nature is indeed beneficial for improving the mental health of human being. Though it is a commonly known fact but now it has been thoroughly established with this latest scientific study. The main advantage that once can derive on running in the mountain trails is the considerable evaporation of the negative feelings of sadness and anxiety. Such effect can be easily noticed if you run along the hilly trail of any national park like that of Yosemite. Many people in this way have derived the feelings of clarity and calmness in their mind. Besides, it also makes them physically strong and flexible. These feelings of satisfaction unfortunately cannot be derived from running in urban locality.
In order to obtain a scientific explanation to this difference in mental effect, a group of researchers of the Stanford University had conducted an experiment The findings of this experiment has been published in a well known scientific journal of USA. The sole objective of their study is to obtain additional information on the impact of this running on the lap of nature on the curing of negative mental thoughts. For this purpose they have assigned a specific group of participants to walk very fast in the lap of nature within ninety minutes. While the remaining group members of have to complete their walking within the same time period with similar intensity level in the urban background. The participants, who have walked fast in the natural setting, have reported reduced level of negative feelings and their scan reports also revealed that reduction in nervous activity in a specific brain area which is responsible for the creation of negative mental feelings. No doubt, such walking in the lap of nature indeed creates an impact on the mental health with improved functioning of human brain. But those participants who walked in the urban background have not witnessed such impacts.
According to Greg Bratman, who is the leading author of this study, there is a strong connection between extensive outdoor activities in the lap of nature for the reduction of negative mental feelings. He has also expressed satisfaction with the fact that with the emergence of latest technology it has become quite easier to study the impact of running on the human brain. Competitor has recorded these positive impacts on the mental health of human beings for a long time ago. The work of Bratman further supported these findings in the shape of trail running which maximizes such positive effects on human health to a considerable extent. He also supports the fact that in order to cure mental complications there is no perfect alternative than trail running within the background of nature. Though it has not been revealed how these natural transformations occur in the brain but one study suggests that due to excessive noise in the urban locality the brain could not prevent the activation of stress. But while running in the background of nature it is quite successful in doing so.
Image credit: warrengoldswain